Monday 10 March 2008

Fun section - Game plan

The Game

It’s a shooting game which player has to shoot (rubbish, litters, etc) to increase the score. When the rubbish hit sea creatures (fish, squid, etc), these will die and disappear from the environment (under sea) and the game will be over. Therefore, player role is to shoot the rubbish before they hit the fish.

Target Audience: Children age 8 to 12 years old.


Teach children that by throwing rubbish into the sea, fish and other creatures will die. Therefore, the best way to save these creatures is by keeping the sea clean and throwing the litters in the pins provided.


The game background environment (under sea) will be 3d model using 3ds Max. The objects inside the sea (grass, fish, rubbish) will be 2d graphics using Flash and Illustrator. Finally, adding interactivity using action script in Flash.

Game structure:

1) Animated Intro + title

1.1) Play the Game

1.2) Instructions

1.3) High score

Visual Research:

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