Saturday, 8 March 2008

Storyboard for editing videos

This is my storyboard for editing the movie clips which I have for the environment side in the introduction video.

Note: As you will sea this is not a storyboard for the video content. However, it's for how I'll edit the video clips that I have. You will notice that I noted the names of video clips to demonstrate how they will apear on the screen.

This is an image of my first skitches for the storyboard, it is'nt detailed just rough ideas with pencil:

In this process I realised the importance of storyboarding before starting in filming Or editing video clips. Because I started first editing the videos without any plan or storyboard, then I realised that I was wasting my time when I couldn't produce any satisfied work and the idea of storyboarding the video clips flashed in my mind.

This is the video I have produced:

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