Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Annual conferences 1

Creating the content inside the archive section

I had the idea of appling the different information for each conference such as (Location, Agenda, Reports, events, photo gallery, participants, contries involved, etc.) in tabs, so that each subtitle can be accessed by clicking on its tab.

This is the first design for the tab. Here, the button is in rollout state.

When rollover the tab, the name of the subtitle becomes clear with inside white glow applied on it and a little animation to the front.

I tried to put an image of the agenda inside a ScrollPane component so that the user can scroll the table up and down by arrows. All this will work by Action scripts.

It didn't know how to make it work perfectly while the content continues scrolling up when pressing the down arrow. Therefore, I cancel this idea and decide to do it in other way.

This is the first page in the conference which will appear by defult to the user. It contains the date, the location, postr, and a summery about the conference events. I also put the number of the conference and the year as movie clips on the sides, they are looping to change thier colour 3 times.

Here I changed the design for better, I made the background in gradient fill, I converted the poster image and the text into saperete movie clips and change thier blending mode.

Also, a next button has been added to move to other pages of the conference, because I don't want to use the tabs idea which I found it complicated to create.

The next button has been created from the poster image of the conference and the text "Next" on it. When rollout -in the image on the left- the text is highly blur taht can't be recognised.

When roll over the button, the text become clear.

I decide to do the agenda as a normal text on the stage. However, the accessable events will be clearly as buttons to take the user to each event.

Some of the events provide pictures only, so their buttons work on rollover only with out pressing.
In this screen shot the mouse is on rollover the first button "Welcome and Introduction"

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