Thursday, 24 April 2008

Annual Conferences 3,

2nd Annual Conference educational reports.

These screen shots about creating the pages of shcool and class reports:

I drew a building of school in flash depending on reference drawing.
Some of the school windows are loaders for photoes and the door is a button linked to the report.

Editing images for the school design in photoshop.

This is the final design. The clouds on the left is a movie clip moves along the width of the stage above the building.
The flag is a movie clip as well, showes its movement by the wind.

When rollover the photo, the name of the country and the representative with his /her position appears.

Class reports page.

I cut some students in photoshop and put them in saparete layers, then import the PSD file into Flash with its layers. I made the cutted students animated buttons with different funny animation for each of them. When rollover on each button the student introduce his nationality while the picture of the representative appears with his name and position.

There are buttons for reports under the students' disks.

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