Thursday, 24 April 2008

Annual Conferences 2

Scroll Gallery for country reports

There are many country reports in the conference, and putting all their reports documents in the prodect will be boring for the students. Therefore, I thought to put the pictures of the country representatives while they were presenting their reports. I made a scroll Gallery which the user can scroll from a left and right arrows, when the user rollover the image it will show in a bigger size and the name of the country and the representative will appear.

These are some screen shots of developing the scroll gallery:

I use the loader componant to load the photoes from outside flash by typing their path in the parameters panel. The photoes should be in the same folder with the flash file.

The loaders inside a movie clip which inside other movie clip with a mask on the loader movie to view the photoes between the arrows only.

Publishing the movie to test the mask.

Changing the background and arrows design, adding a dynamic text box.

Changing the gradient to rydial and adding the title.

When rollover the photo it showes in a bigger size with the name of the country.

The final work, adding the name of the representative in a dynamic text box by action script.

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